Competition Start / Finish Dates: All GUFC players, miniroos & juniors & seniors competitions will commence on 4th July and run until 27th September. Please note a decision is yet to be made whether there will be a final series.
Registrations: GUFC are still accepting registrations. If you wish to register to play this season please email
Team Training: All teams still must follow Level 1 training restrictions (i.e. outdoor, non-contact training activities, maintaining physical distancing – see Guidelines), however, from 13 June, groups of up to 20 can now train. That is, 20 players participating in non-contact training (in the designated quarter of a field or more) is permitted from Saturday 13 June.
GUFC Shared Services: All coaches & managers are able to check their training allocation on the Shared Services website.
All coaches and managers must be registered on the SS website. Also, updates to coaches and managers details should be changed on the SS website.
PROPOSED Rule Changes: The SSFA have proposed a number of rule changes for the 2020 season. The details will be forwarded to all coaches and managers as soon as they have been approved by the clubs. Outline of proposed changes are:
- there will be no team regrading in 2020
- changes to borrowing rules e.g. the number of players / times able to borrow a player
- Benches are proposed to be on the opposite sides of the field
ID Cards: ID cards (u10-o45) will be released to Clubs as soon as possible – with the exception of those with outstanding sightings and photos. We will advise as soon as possible place / times for each team coach or manager to collect the ID cards.
Washouts: if a Round is washed out there will be no redraw of the round this season.
Uniform Sales / Shirt Numbering: we will advise as soon as possible arrangements for uniform purchase and shirt numbering.