While we certainly hope it doesn’t happen to GUFC players, injuries are a part of football. A significant part of your registration fees goes towards insurance for injuries.
If you are injured at training or a game, regardless of whether your injury is likely to require an insurance claim or not, it must be reported via a white Sutherland Shire Football Association (SSFA) Accident Form. Injury reporting is the same throughout the SSFA. Managers and Coaches are responsible for injury reporting.
If you are injured here’s what to do:
At Training
o Coach/manager must log onto SSFA/Shared Services website https://www.ssfaservices.com.au/insurance/ and complete the online form.
o If the injury is serious, and is likely to require an insurance claim, please also advise secretary@gufc.com.au
On Game Day
o Coach/Manager must go to ground control at the venue where the game is played and complete a white SSFA Accident Report
o The ground control will forward the report to the SSFA with your team’s match sheet; or
o Coach/manager must log onto SSFA/Shared Services website https://www.ssfaservices.com.au/insurance/ and complete the online form.
o If the injury is serious, and is likely to require an insurance claim, please also advise secretary@gufc.com.au following the game. Please include Ground / Player’s Name / Date of Injury / Team / Nature of Injury / Any Remarks