I’ve registered and paid online, what next?

Once your online registration and payment is complete, your registration will be checked and accepted by the GUFC registrars. If there are any issues, we will contact you. It is important to remember that your registration is not accepted by GUFC until full payment has been received.

U6-U7 – muster and team grading day (more into here)

U8-U18 and W12-W18 players – all players need to attend grading days.

Senior players (U21/W21 and over) – will be contacted by a team official or the GUFC registrar during February.

When is grading? Do I attend grading?

Grading Dates U/W8-U/W18 TBC TBC
U/W6-U/W7 Muster Date TBC
U/W6-U/W7 Grading Date TBC
GUFC Registrations close (Seniors) TBC


Grading works as follows:

U8 – U18 and W12 – W18 players – attend grading on designated days and are graded into teams. GUFC emphasize fun, but we also like to ensure players have the best chance to improve their skills and keep coming back to football.

Senior players (U21/W21 and over) – are organised into teams by GUFC and/or players. See how do I put in my pre-organised u21 or senior team?

What age groups are available? What age group am I in?

The Sutherland Shire Football Association competition consists of a large number of competitions that cover a wide range of age groups and caters for all levels and abilities.  Your age group is determined by the year you were born. For the 2025 season this will be as follows:
U6 – born 2019 or 2020
U7 – born 2018
U8 – born 2017
U9 – born 2016
U10 – born 2015
U11 – born 2014
U12 and W12 – born 2013
U13 – born 2012
U14 and W14 – born 20111
U15 – born 2010
U16 and W16 – born 2009
U18 and W18 – born 2008 or 2007
U21 and W21 – born 2006, 2005 or 2004
All age men – born during 2003 or anytime before
Senior women – born during 2003 or anytime before
Over 35 men
Over 45 men
If you register online, the system will automatically offer you the correct age group(s).

Can I play with friends?

This depends on your age group:

U6-U7 – players can form teams with friends. The team is graded as a whole.

U8-U16 – players are graded into teams on designated grading days.

U18 – players are graded into A grade teams on designated grading days.  Other grades can arrange to play with friends through the registrar (registrar@gufc.com.au)

U21 and seniors – players can arrange to play with friends or in pre-existing teams.

When registering online, how do I indicate who I want to play with (seniors only)?

You can nominate a team preference which is usually the surname of the coach or you can type NEW TO GUFC. You can also email our registrar and advise which team you are registering for (registrar@gufc.com.au)

If you are a whole team transferring from another club or an individual player wishing to be placed in a team, also contact our registrars registrar@gufc.com.au 

I would like to play out of grade. How do I do this online? 

For junior players, the online registration system will only accept a registration from you based on your birth date. For example, if you were born in 2003, you will only be allowed to register in the U18 age group. If you wish to play up a grade:
1. Register in the grade the system presents you
2. Then email Enzo Torrillo, GUFC Head Coach, headcoach@gufc.com.au to advise you wish to play up a grade
3. Attend the grading day(s) of the grade you want to play in.

We would like to transfer our whole team from another club to GUFC?

Registering block teams is to many age groups please contact GUFC’s registrar registrar@gufc.com.au to discuss.

What day will my training be? 

Once grading is complete and teams are formed – teams choose their training day. The coach and/or manager for your team will likely select a time that best suits the majority of the team. The coach and/or manager also has to confirm with GUFC that there is space available to train at your requested time.

Who will be our coach and/or manager? I would like to be coach and/or manager

Coaches and managers are very important to our club. All coaches and managers are volunteers.

MiniRoos – a parent or parents need to nominate as coach and manager – usually at the grading day. The club does provide opportunity for coaching guidance and there are many people within the club who can help.

For most junior teams, the coach and manager comes from within the team (ie. a parent, brother, sister or friend) and they self-nominate at the grading days.

Senior teams need to organise a coach and manager.

If you are interested in coaching or managing a team, step forward and let the team know at grading day!

Those coaching senior teams or wanting to coach a team, other than the one they’re involved with, contact the Registrar, registrar@gufc.com.au

Is there a refund policy for registration fees?

Any player withdrawing from a team after the completion of grading will forfeit a percentage of their Sutherland Shire Football Association (SSFA) fee.  If you do wish to request a refund of your registration fees please complete GUFC’s  Refund Request Form>> and contact GUFC’s registrar to arrange collection of your form and ID card.

I need more help with registration, who do I contact?

If you have any problems or queries with online registration please contact the Playfootball Support Centre

For all other registration questions and help contact GUFC’s Registrar @ registrar@gufc.com.au