Following is an update received from Football NSW for all MiniRoos coaches and managers on some exciting developments and resource opportunities available to all clubs with MiniRoos age groups (see information below). Football NSW hopes that it will make this season more enjoyable for you and your players.

MiniRoos Coaches Information

FFA National Curriculum – Online Resource

The Online FFA National Curriculum resource can be downloaded to your phone and is a great tool to find relevant sessions for your age group at your fingertips wherever you are, whenever needed.

FFA Coaching Resource – Online

Online Coaching Help-desk

2016 saw the release of the Online Coach Help Service whereby the FNSW team of coach educators are on hand to answer any questions in relation to grassroots coaching.

This service can be found on the FNSW website > Coach > Online Help service (

FREE Coaching sessions throughout the year

As a registered Football NSW coach (head to you will receive a weekly session plan for your specific age group from Oscar Gonzalez (FNSW Community Coach Education Manager). These weekly emails will be sent to your email, outlining a session plan to be used in an easy to read and digest format.

FREE Resources for coaches to plan for training and games

MiniRoos Playing Rules and Formats (Under 6 – Under 11)

MiniRoos Coaches Information Pack

MiniRoos Skills Challenges

MiniRoos Fitness Bootcamp