Following are the upcoming MiniRoo minifield allocations for games played at Gymea Bay Oval 1 and Gymea Bay Oval 2 for Saturday.

The field number in red, under SSF, is the minifield your team will be playing on for either Gymea 1 or Gymea 2.  When you arrive at Gymea Bay Oval please look for the banner with the number of your game’s minifield.  Please note there will also be a board up in front of the canteen advertising same.  Only either the team coach or team manager should approach ground control to fill out the team’s match sheet.


Round 5 – Saturday 8 May
MiniRoo MiniField Allocation – Gymea Bay Oval only

06D 1 vs Menai Hawks 1 Gymea Bay 1 1 8:00 AM
06D 2 vs Grays Point Gymea Bay 1 2 8:00 AM
06F 1 vs Georges River Gymea Bay 1 3 8:00 AM
06F 2 vs Cronulla Seagulls 1 Gymea Bay 1 4 8:00 AM
06G vs Georges River Gymea Bay 1 5 8:00 AM
06H 1 vs Georges River 1 Gymea Bay 1 6 8:00 AM
06I 2 vs Caringbah Redbacks 3 Gymea Bay 1 7 8:00 AM
06I 1 vs Cronulla RSL Gymea Bay 1 8 8:00 AM
07A vs Caringbah Redbacks Gymea Bay 1 1 8:50 AM
07E vs Miranda Magpies Gymea Bay 1 2 8:50 AM
07H vs Loftus Yarrawarrah Gymea Bay 1 3 8:50 AM
W06B 2 vs Cronulla Seagulls Gymea Bay 1 4 8:50 AM
W06D vs Cronulla Seagulls Gymea Bay 1 5 8:50 AM
W06F vs Lilli Pilli 2 Gymea Bay 1 6 8:50 AM
W07A 1 vs Lilli Pilli 3 Gymea Bay 1 7 8:50 AM
W07C 2 vs St. Patricks Gymea Bay 1 8 8:50 AM
Gymea 2
08B 2 vs Sylvania Heights 2 Gymea Bay 2 9 8:00 AM
08D 2 vs Menai Hawks 2 Gymea Bay 2 10 8:00 AM
08D 1 vs North Sutherland 2 Gymea Bay 2 11 8:00 AM
08F 1 vs Gymea United 2 Gymea Bay 2 12 8:00 AM
08B 1 vs Caringbah Redbacks Gymea Bay 2 9 8:50 AM
09I 2 vs Barden Ridgebacks Gymea Bay 2 10 8:50 AM
W08B vs Georges River Gymea Bay 2 11 8:50 AM
W08D vs Lilli Pilli 3 Gymea Bay 2 12 8:50 AM
09B vs Cronulla RSL Gymea Bay 2 9 9:40 AM
09C vs St. Patricks Gymea Bay 2 10 9:40 AM
W09A vs Gymea United 1 Gymea Bay 2 11 9:40 AM
W09C vs Kirrawee Gymea Bay 2 12 9:40 AM
10A vs Sylvania Heights Gymea Bay 2 East 10:30 AM
11E 2 vs Como Jannali Gymea Bay 2 West 10:30 AM
11C vs Marton 2 Gymea Bay 2 East 11:30 AM
11D vs Cronulla Seagulls 1 Gymea Bay 2 West 11:30 AM
11A vs Cronulla Seagulls Gymea Bay 2 East 12:30 PM