You may have heard that in the last few days, Football NSW has lifted the temporary suspension of football for training. Unfortunately, that does not mean that we are allowed to train yet, as both the Sutherland Shire Council and the SSFA both need to provide approval.
To gain approval, we need to ensure that all players are aware of the Football NSW “Return to Training” Level 1 guidelines that are accessible via this link <Football NSW – Return to Football Guidelines>. In summary, these guidelines permit:
· Training in small groups of no more than 10 people (players and coaches);
· Maintaining Social distancing of 1.5m between players;
· Spacing so that there is no more than 1 person per 4m2;
· Non-contact skill training drills – passing, shooting, dribbling; and
· Some sharing of sporting equipment such as kicking a football and agility equipment.
In addition to the above there are a range of social distancing, hygiene and notification requirements. There are also limitations on the number of players allowed to train, with no more than 10 people per ¼ of a pitch so we will need to revise our training allocations at our fields for all teams that wish to train, particularly for our Miniroos teams.
We have emailed all coaches (and managers) yesterday for them to reach out to their teams to gauge if their team intends to return to training, so please expect to hear from your coach soon. We will continue to keep you informed as the situation, and hopefully the season, progresses.