Thursday, 16 July
To all Parents and Carers
To all Parents and Carers
After yesterday’s announcements by the Acting Minister for Sport, attendance to local community sport needs to be limited.
As such, at GUFC, we are asking you to limit your attendance to one parent/ carer per child, and no siblings, at all community sport.
Whilst this may be difficult to manage in some cases, the ruling is we as a club, need to make reasonable efforts to minimize crowds & spectators at sporting venues.
So please, whilst we are working towards the requirements of the government, try to assist GUFC in minimizing crowd numbers, so we can keep community sport going.
This begins this weekend, Saturday 18th July and Sunday 19th July, and will remain in place, whilst we get control of the COVID19 infection.
Most people are aware of the recent spike over the past couple of weeks, and we all need to do our bit to assist in reducing the spread. Can I also ask if you have been to Victoria over the past 14 days, or any other location listed by NSW Health, please stay home, and do the right thing for the community.
I know these are challenging times for many people, but we need to do the right thing, as it is the responsibility of players, parents, and teams, to keep our community sport going as long as possible.
In the meantime, stay safe, keep healthy, and enjoy your football.
Anthony Severino, GUFC President