To players registering to play in u18 or jw18’s for 2019:
U18 & W18 teams playing at GUFC will be graded as follows:
- A number of grading days will be scheduled and advertised to all under 18 players, boys and girls.
- 18A/W18A grade will be based solely on merit. Other registered players have the opportunity of playing with friends although will need to attend grading.
- Players wanting to play in a team with friends can also be submitted. Team sheets of these players and team will need to be submitted to the club and attend the first grading day (dates/venue will be advertised on the club website). The team sheet will not be accepted unless a there is a nominated coach & manager with their details. This must be an adult prepared to take responsibility for the side.
- The club will do its best to honour all requests.
- All players, coaches and parents need to be aware that the GUFC grading panel has the right to add players to any of these sides as and if required. As a club which takes pride in providing an opportunity for all players, we always endeavour to ensure all players registering at GUFC have a spot in a team. GUFC is keen to ensure players that have long term commitments with GUFC do not miss out on playing in a team and that players who are unsuccessful in A Grade selection can be found a spot in a suitable team.
- It is compulsory that ALL players placed on a team sheet are registered to play with GUFC. Players registered will be given preference over players which are not yet registered.
- All players are expected both grading days allocated to 18’s. This allows the club to ensure all registered players have been catered for and any confusion or issues can be resolved on the day/night. Where players are absent due to work commitments they should communicate with the grading panel to assist with being put in to a respective side … email
If there are any concerns, please feel free to contact to discuss further.