Meet the Smith Family! Mum Sarah and daughters Emily, Ashleigh and Claire.


Mum, Sarah plays for the W40B’s, eldest daughter Emily plays Senior Women’s football while also coaching the W13B’s, Ashleigh plays at the top level Gymea United participate as part of our Shire Premier League SPLW2.0 side and youngest daughter Claire plays for the high flying W12A’s!


What is your first memory of football?

Sarah: Watching soccer on the TV with my Grandma
Emily: Watching Dad play on Sundays
Ashleigh: Watching my brother play
Claire: When I was too nervous to go on the field by myself
How long have you been playing for? 

Sarah: 6 yrs
Emily: 11 yrs
Ashleigh: 11 yrs
Claire: 8 yrs
What do you love the most about football?

Sarah: Watching my kids play & my team W40B’s
Emily: Playing with my friends
Ashleigh: Playing with my mates
Claire: Playing with my friends
What is your favourite team locally & internationally?

Sarah: Gymea United & Matilda’s
Emily: The W13B’s I coach on Saturdays & Matilda’s
Ashleigh: Matilda’s & Sydney FC
Claire: Gymea United & Matilda’s
What does female football week mean to you?

Sarah: Celebrating all girls & women, not only the players, but all females involved in the game
Emily: Playing with my friends & encouraging others to play
Ashleigh: Encouraging more young girls to play
Claire: There are more girls playing
How do you think football has changed for girls and women since you started playing?

Sarah: Since I started playing there are definitely more girls & women participating in every aspect of the game
Emily: When I started  playing, not many women & girls played, it’s become so normalised now for girls to play, it’s great to see
Ashleigh: There are more younger girls playing now, then when I started
Claire: More girls my age playing