The GUFC grading committee monitors match results of the first few weeks of the competition to track how each team is performing at the start of the season.

During this period, we are required to provide regrading requests to the SSFA for teams needing to be considered for regrade. Regrading requests are usually made based upon three factors:

  1. When a team is either winning or losing all their games by significant margins
  2. The position of a team on the competition ladder
  3. The availability of another team which needs to be regraded up/down to replace the team moving up/down

Whilst regrading requests are evaluated by SSFA, the weekly draw may be delayed pending regrading results as several teams will be given a new team name.

  • Miniroos regraded is now completed
  • All other Saturday team regrades (W/U9’s and older) are now completed
  • All Sunday teams regrades are completed

UPDATED: 12th May 2021 – Sunday Teams Update

Following the SSFA Regrading meeting teams and draws have been finalised. NO GUFC TEAMS HAVE BEEN REGRADED.


UPDATED: 5th May 2021 – Miniroos Teams Update

The following GUFC Miniroos teams have been regraded and/or renamed.

Your team’s new grade takes effect from this Saturday, 8th May 2021, Round 5.  If your team does not appear on the below list your team name remains the same the same.

Under 6’s

  • GYMEA 6A to 6B/1
  • GYMEA 6B/1 to 6C/1
    • GYMEA 6C become 6C/2
  • GYMEA 6E/1 to 6D/2
    • GYMEA 6D becomes 6D/1
  • GYMEA 6G/1 to 6E/1
  • GYMEA 6G/2 to 6H/1
    • GYMEA 6G/3 becomes 6G
  • GYMEA 6H/1 to 6I/1
    • GYMEA 6I becomes 6I/2

Girls Under 6’s

  • GYMEA W6A/1 to W6B/2
    • GYMEA W6A/2 becomes W6A
    • GYMEA W6B becomes W6B/1
  • GYMEA W6C/1 to W6D
    • GYMEA W6C/2 becomes W6C
  • GYMEA W6E to W6

Under 7’s

  • GYMEA 7F to 7G

Girls Under 7’s

  • GYMEA W7D to W7C/2
    • GYMEA W7C becomes W7C/1

Under 8’s

  • GYMEA 8E/1 to 8D/1
  • GYMEA 8E/2 to 8D/2
    • GYMEA 8E/3 becomes 8E

Coaches & Managers:  What do I do if my team is listed in the above regrade list?

  • Check the attached list to see if your team is affected by the regrade
  • All Miniroos teams regraded will be emailed by GUFC Shared Services
  • Regrades are in effect from this weekend (Round 5)
    Let your team know:

    • their new team grade/name; and
    • time/place of their next game
  • Teams on ground control will be the team whose new name it is for this weekend, Round 5
  • If your team is struggling in its new grade after an additional three of four games, please inform our Miniroos Coordinator
  • If a further regrade is required, there will be the potential for an internal swap/regrade
  • if you are having any problems working out your new game time/place, please do not hesitate to email who will be able to assist you