All players should wear full GUFC uniform, shin pads & football boots and wear sunscreen and bring along a water bottle.
Please double check your game’s details the day before as there may be changes made.
Some trial games with Sans Souci will be held at Sans Souci’s home ground, Claydon Reserve, Sans Souci
(link to Google Maps for Claydon Reserve)
Following is the Schedule are the Conditions of Use of Kareela 2 from the Sutherland Shire Football Association:
Kareela 2 and 3 – Pre Season Criteria for Use
Before matches begin
- The first teams scheduled for the day are required to set up the field (both teams should assist in this regard):
- Set up Goal posts
- Put up corner flags and halfway
flags (stored at Kirrawee club House or in the locked enclosure) - Put out Garbage Bins
- Check surface for any debris or damage
- Teams (players and officials) to use the western side of the fields (i.e. nearer to Harrie Dening Centre) for the Technical area. That is, the Technical
Area is not to be situated on the car park side of the fields.
After Matches are finished
- Last teams scheduled for the day are required to pack up the field:
- Take down goal posts and store in enclosure (leave the nets attached)
- only two goals are permitted on the trolley at a time (again, both teams should assist in this regard),
- remove flags and store in the fenced off enclosure near K2
- Clear up any litter and leave oval tidy
- Ensure garbage bins are put into locked enclosure
During the matches
- Each team is to provide two (2) people for Ground Control per match (wearing Orange Jackets) – to undertake normal ground control duties (as specified
in SSFA Rule 30D) and to ensure the below requirements are satisfied:
- No food/ sports drinks/ chewing gum/ alcohol/ smoking is allowed inside the perimeter fence,
- No Spectators are permitted inside the perimeter fence (players, team officials and match officials only are allowed)