IMPORTANT: See also update from SSFA
Self-isolation guidelines for people who have visited or travelled from Victoria – released Friday, 10 July
Please be aware of the following “Self-isolation guidelines” that NSW Department of Health have recently published for people who have visited or travelled from Victoria.
“In recent weeks, Victoria has seen increased COVID-19 activity. As of 8 July, NSW Government has implemented restrictions on people who have been in Victoria.
Under Public Health (COVID-19 Border Control) Order 2020, if you are from or have been in Victoria within the past 14 days, you must not enter NSW unless it is your usual place of residence. However, you are permitted to enter NSW to obtain medical or other care, or to fulfil a legal obligation, or are providing a critical service.
People who have been in Victoria in the last 14 days, who enter NSW from 8 July must:
- self-isolate at home or in other suitable accommodation for 14 days
- not leave your accommodation except for the following reasons: obtaining medical care, complying with a legal obligation, an emergency, providing critical services or leaving NSW
- not let other people into your residence unless they live there.”
These guidelines are for your information in the event that you are asked for information or you know of people who have recently returned from Victoria.
Below are the relevant URL’s in case of need:
Public Health Order (Border Control) –
Self-isolation guidelines for people who have visited or travelled from Victoria –
Public health advice for people who have travelled from Victoria in the last 14 days –
Level C – Return to Play & Level C Training – from Wednesday, 1 July 2020
The ‘Return to Play’ Guidelines are the next level, and provide for the resumption of full competitive matches and other football activities at all ages and for all levels across the various leagues and competitions in New South Wales.
These guidelines are provided by Football NSW to safeguard the health and wellbeing of the community.
Here is a summary of the guidelines which take effect from Wednesday, 1 July 2020:
- full competitive matches permitted within the normal Laws of the Game. Also the SSFA 2020 Rule Book has been updated with new By-Law E – see revised 2020 Rule Book
- full squad training and training/friendly matches are allowed from 1 July
- team benches organised to ensure 1.5 metres between coaching staff & each substitute
- social distancing of 1.5 metre between spectators (e.g. parents)
- changerooms, canteen, bbq & bar at Gymea Bay Oval will be closed for at least the first three games [Note: canteen will be open from 11 July for drinks only]
- everyone should carry hand sanitiser and try to avoid the use of public toilets, however if necessary, ensure hands are washed thoroughly
- each participant is to provide their own drink bottle that is clearly labelled. No sharing of drink bottles or food eg oranges and lollies
- once the football activity has concluded, social activity should be limited to essential activities
- each participant is to take their bib or vest home to wash individually
– all participants are encouraged to download the COVIDSafe App.
– players, coaches and others should not attend training or games if unwell, if they have travelled overseas or if they have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 in the preceding 14 days or if they are an “at risk” individual due to age or medical condition
• Team handshakes prior to kick-off
• Team huddles, handshakes and high fives
• Multiplayer goal celebrations
• Spitting