Welcome to Season 2025!
The draw will is available on the Shire Football website. This year you can also download the new mobile app which will be updated for use with team, player and fixture details.
SSFA is using a new stand-alone system for competition management called MyCompApp – this is completely separate to Playfootball, the registration system used in 2022.
Visit the Shire Football website and select the Fixtures tab on the topline/main nav.
Mobile app:
Download ssf mycompapp for Android (Google Play) or Apple (App store).
If you are Registered in Playfootball in 2022, your account information has been imported from Playfootball. Sign in using EITHER your Playfootball email OR your FAA ID number (Reg ID):
- The default password is the first two letters of your first name + DD MM from your birthday + the last two letters of your surname. E.g. Barbra Sharp 01/01/2000, the password is Ba0101rp
- Do not create a new account if you are a player.
- If you encounter a linked account, ie a family member, switch accounts or simply continue with that account .
Once you are signed in
- Click on the My Teams tile, follow the prompts to search for the teams you want to follow.
- When you find them, click on the heart to make them your favourite.
- Players do not need to favourite their own team.
If you encounter any problems that you cannot solve yourself, please request assistance via email to mycompapphelp@shirefootball.com